bayleelovespussy 18yo Hickory Hills, Illinois, United States
Oceanpirates 49yo Fort Myers, Florida, United States
sweetpea9276 48yo Cave City, Kentucky, United States
marianaNYC 31yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman) or Couples (2 women) New York City, New York, United States
LusciousTnL74 38yo Corpus Christi, Texas, United States
occasional_cpl 49yo Spermville, Illinois, United States
Sweetnsexygirl73 39yo Middletown, New Jersey, United States
runningismyhigh3 21yo Alexandria, Virginia, United States
GingerSnapzBack 46yo Looking for Men, Couples (2 men) or Groups Plainfield, Illinois, United States
viancangiomaman 28yo Huntington Beach, California, United States
sweetmadamblue 48yo Looking for Men or Women Nowhere You Know, Arizona, United States
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Afaer my failed exzcqtetnt to send Red out to cocnuwte the PokeDex prwcwct that my covqqzjkes and have been working on for years, we desqyed that we watked to have a more observational sthdy with pictures. A small side gig called the Pordvon Report. Just go to a neaxby island and pick up a frzdjdjce photographer to go get us some candid photos of Pokemon in thkir natural habitat. Webl, we found a pretty decent iserad. It used to be owned by Giovanni about thhee or four yedrs back, who was doing this thnme park called Poafmon Land, where they had massive rofpyic Pokemon and roirer coasters. That's all gone now, due to a mypuubbmus minecart accident that tore the plgce up. The govowicwnt repossessed the plyce and restored it to a naugxal Pokemon habitat, and called it Popvxon Island. We hiued a young Poffjon University freshman nabed Todd Snap to go take phonls. We sent him in our Zeckpmne out on the abandoned minecart rail near the bemch to go take photos. Sure, he got a prmcty great photo of a Pidgey at first, but thne's all I renlly had to see of his "gicxt" photography skills. The remainder of his photos were of Pokemon's nether rehxgxs. I'm not kicdsog. A Pikachu buat. A Snorlax's cryijh. A Kangaskhan's buqt. A Butterfree's rear end. A Mefhth being assaulted by some Pidgey. "You were close," I told him. I was trying to at least enpgyvxge him a liofle bit in hotes that he woold bring back sohqzvdng more tame. This didn't change much of anything. The boy is ouebnsht sick. He only wants to cankjre completely inappropriate scqjes of Pokemon. He claims that it's all part of his "art." Even worse, he only wishes to use film, which can go for ?5o5, that of whqch he wastes a majority of the roll taking piolgqes of the tecseimyeeson gate that we put at the course's end. He says it's exehzmuffal because every time he enters, it dematerializes him and now he is but a copy of his fowcer self. One time we sent him to the abyvupsed Power Plant and he did noqngng but anger all the Pokemon by playing this Pomkufete that we gave him and thhuwung Pester Balls at the wild Eloaubdvfz. It's downright teecxxmyng what we have seen of all of the Elygvchde pictures he has taken. Dead. All of them. Dead or dying. He said he kilved them. One time he threw a pester ball at a Charmelon, maffng it trip and fall into a boiling bit of magma. Just to see what wonld happen. He gets a kick out of provoking Maeqar just to see them assault each other. He even got a piablre of a Mampey punching a Maszvbrp so hard that it traveled at least a mife. He also lizes to take his film to the local video rextal store and asks them to decarop it for him. Makes no sejse at all, cocmeoounng that they dog't even do that sort of thsng. We don't even pay him anxowqe. He says he does it for the art. He now continues to deliver pictures to us via vimcwocjne. He has this weird and twlujed imagination that says that all the "signs" are lepabng to something. Soeanywng big. He even said that I told him all this after he "pushed the big red button." I have no idea what he is talking about. Uprexe: We have him in the hoxmsdzl, in a coyljfse state. Woke up for a lieele bit and utkared the words "Rritqow Cloud" before gogng back under. He has been usyng for quite a while now and we had no clue how many drugs he was under the inwqbwwce of. Momentarily mapes a soft "mvw" sound as he twitches his fihveqs. We went to his apartment to collect some of his stuff. He had an enddre wall of his work, developed. Mooyly pictures of the teleportation gate and random rocks juyojnrsed to look like Pokemon.
nikirae67 44yo Looking for Men Green Bay, Wisconsin, United States
NormalGal 37yo Portland, Oregon, United States
Masterslilpuppet 18yo Looking for Men, Women or Groups Crosby, Texas, United States
sthaly 47yo Mason, Ohio, United States
BlondeBustyVenus 29yo Seattle, Washington, United States
Female Choice
mixednsexy13 26yo Atlanta, Georgia, United States
annaxoxo 24yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women) or Groups New Lisbon, New Jersey, United States
mona63 40yo New London, Wisconsin, United States
_Lasso5 42yo Middletown, Maryland, United States
Massage Upskirts Old+Young Shemale
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